Student Leaders
St Clare’s is committed to the development of leadership skills in all students and to the provision of comprehensive preparation and selection processes for formal student leadership in the College. Student leadership at St Clare’s is underpinned by the model of Jesus as servant, as messenger, as protector of the weak and of those who walk in the shadows.
The cognitive skills of problem solving, critical thinking, reasoning and creative thinking are essential components of our College’s curriculum. They do not specifically fit into any one aspect of the formal academic curriculum but are crucial in our quest for life long learning outcomes for all students. A great measure of these learning outcomes is in student leaders demonstrating their learning through visible and identifiable leadership of our College community.
The qualities, attributes
College Leadership
St Clare’s College is committed to the development of leadership skills in all students and to the provision of comprehensive selection processes for formal leadership positions. College Leaders are elected to the following senior leadership positions:
2024 College Leadership Team
Jemma Poyser
School Captain
Julia Norgrove
College Leader –
Faith and Community
Georgia Andrighetto
College Leader –
Social Justice
Annaleisha Cologna
College Leader –
Arts and Culture
Ashley Patton
College Leader –
Jessica Schischka
College Leader –
There are two Year 12 students elected as House Captains for each of the eight Houses.
To assist in the formation of the senior leadership team and in the development of their leadership skills, the senior leadership team participates in formal leadership training sessions in conjunction with other systemic and congregational school senior leadership teams twice during the year of their office.
The Pastoral Care Captain (PCC)
All Pastoral Care Classes Years 7-10 elect one student to be the Pastoral Care Captain for the term or semester. This Captain represents her class and assists the Pastoral Care Leader and the Year Coordinator with various duties.
The Student Representative Council (SRC)
The Student Representative Council is viewed as a conduit between students, staff and the Executive in the total governance process of the College and as a forum for discussion of student issues and for planning for events and charity fundraising.
Each Year Group has two representatives for the year. The SRC membership includes the College Captain (Chair) the four other College Leaders, and a student representative from the College St Vincent de Paul group and the RAP committee. The SRC has a formal membership of 19 students and two teacher affiliates.
The charter and work of the Student Representative Council is overseen by the SRC Facilitator. This position is held by a member of staff whose role includes the facilitation of SRC meetings, the coordination of SRC fundraising activities, the organisation of or participation in student leadership training, and communication of SRC projects and student issues to the College community.