House Life

Students new to St Clare’s quickly feel the unique spirit that envelops our school community. This sense of belonging translates into pride – pride in themselves and pride in being a St Clare’s girl. This means that students genuinely enjoy not only their own success, but the success of their peers. This atmosphere of mutual respect between staff and students underpins what we stand for at St Clare’s College. The strong House system that exists allows students to establish a sense of identity and of belonging not only in their own year group but also with students from other years. There are many opportunities for students as individuals or as part of a team to show their House Spirit with College charity events as well as the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals.

College Houses

St Clare’s College has eight Student Houses. Each student in Years 7-10 belongs to a House based Pastoral Care class within her Year group. Senior Pastoral Care groups are vertically structured so each pastoral group has students from Years 11 and 12. Each House has two elected captains in Year 12. The House Captains together with their Senior Pastoral Leaders and the Student Representative Council Facilitator organise and run inter-house activities.

A charity is adopted by each House for one year and through various fundraising activities the House members collect for the charity during Terms 2 and 3. The combined proceeds of this work are distributed between each of the charities and cheques are presented to representatives of these at the Charities Assembly held during Term 4. Students earn House points and medals which are awarded at the end of the year for participation in House activities and for spirit displayed throughout the year. The eight Houses are named after Aboriginal mythological figures. They are as follows:


Alinda features a royal blue figure against a white background. Alinda the moon man strides across the sky and is invincible.
St Clare teaches us that in giving our service to others, we are able to empower and unite our community in God’s vision.


Japara features a purple figure holding the golden sun. Japara is brother to the sun woman and is powerful. Japara created fire.
St Clare teaches us to discover our passions and have the determination to follow them.


Kipara features a terracotta bush turkey against the burnt orange of Uluru. The bush turkey woman displays initiative and intelligence. St Clare teaches us to acknowledge the challenges we encounter whilst displaying the courage to overcome them.


Makara features a blue ice crystal against a white background. Makara is the home of the ice maidens who are reputed for their beauty. St Clare teaches us that the true beauty of a person rests within the actions of their heart and soul.


Ulamina features the teal coloured star woman splashing with her deep purple starfish. Starfish women strive for their goal.
St Clare teaches us to be persistent and brave as we strive to reach our goals.


Wareen features a red hunter poised with her black spear and shield. The mighty hunter is renowned for her skill.
St Clare teaches us to have the strength to overcome adversity.


Wibalu features the grey boomerang against the pink sky. The boomerang belongs to the cloud women who pursue a never ending celestial battle. St Clare teaches us to overcome challenges with a positive mindset.


Wirana features a green eagle hawk soaring across a white cloud. The female eagle hawk bravely soars to great heights.
St Clare teaches us to stand firm in the face of challenge while maintaining our moral boundaries.