Junior Studies (Years 7 – 10)

Years 7 and 8 Courses

Core Subjects
Religious EducationEnglish
MathematicsLanguages: French, Italian or Japanese
The Wisdom Program*
Health and Physical EducationHumanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
History and Civics and Citizenship (Year 7)
Geography, Economics and Business (Year 8)
Elective Courses
The Arts
→ Dance
→ Drama
→ Music
→ Media Arts
→ Visual Arts
→ Design and Emerging Technology
→ Food Technology
→ Design and Textiles
→ Digital Technology

Elective courses are undertaken and rotated each semester over Years 7 and 8.

  • Enrolment in this course is invitational and identified through diagnostic testing and interviews. Parents can opt for their child not to participate in this class and join the selected language of study.

Years 9 and 10 Courses

Core Subjects
Religious Education
Youth Ministry*
Health and Physical EducationScienceHumanities and Social Sciences
Elective Courses
Languages (year long study)
The Arts (semester or year long study)
DanceDramaMedia Arts
MusicVisual Arts
Technologies (semester or year long study)
Design and Emerging TechnologyDesign and TextilesFood Technology
Graphic DesignHospitality (Year 10)Digital Technology
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
(Semester study)
Civics and CitizenshipEconomics and BusinessGeography

*Students have the option of replacing regular Religious Education units for Youth Ministry for one semester during Yr 10.